34. FICE International World Congress

FICE -International’s vision is to create networks across continents to support actions of all those working with children at-risk, children with special needs, and children and young people in out-of-home care. All activities are based on our respect of all children, of all cultures, their interest, and their needs. One of the main activities of the international organization is the World Congress. The Congress is held every three years, each time in a different country, and is designed to review the work with children at risk, children with special needs, and children and young people in out-of-home care in different countries and to highlight innovative initiatives and ideas originating in our members’ many fields and disciplines.
This years hosts are composed of the Israeli members of FICE International, The Israeli Public Forum for Youth Village & Boarding schools for Children at Risk, the Ono Academic College, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Social Affairs and Social Services, together with a large group of Israeli NGOs, all active in the field of education and care of children and young people who need out-of-Home care. Many Israeli professionals from a large variety of residential programs, policy makers, researchers, civil society organizations and care leavers will be represented , together with participants coming from many different countries. The goal is the mutual exchange of knowledge to benefit all of us who face the challenges of the field of education and care of children and young people who need specialized services, both in out-of-home care and in community-based programs.
The theme that was chosen for the congress is relevant to the many societies worldwide. The challenge of our era is to guarantee "Better Future Opportunities for Children and Young People in Multicultural Societies.". Also the European Union member states have selected "children without parental care" as the proposed theme for the 2019 resolution on the Rights of the Child. This would certainly be one of the focuses of our discussions and deliberations during the congress. Other topics would be: residential care in various regions in the world, care leavers, refugee youth and unaccompanied minors, education and learning challenges of children and adolescents in care, staff training, just to name a few of them.
During the congress the FICE AWARD 2019 will be given to a residential staff who was selected by the prize committee, for outstanding social initiatives aiming at empowering children and youth in alternative care.
Documentation and Reports
Focus Topic I IJCYFS
Focus Topic II IJCYFS
Various Articles relating to the Congress: Child and Youth Care E-Journal